Tomáš Žifčák

some of my projects, fun ideas and little bit about me

Main project

Bageta Express logo

Bageta Express

Bageta Express is a web application for ordering food for school. It is a project I have been working on for a while. It's actively being used by a local restaurant and school in my hometown.

Side projects

screenshot from OS-quiz website

OS quiz

It's a simple web application for testing your knowledge of operating systems. It's a project I created in very short time due to lack of practise tests for operating systems at my university.

Fun ideas

screenshot from document

Scheat sheet / docs

These are resources that I have found useful, interesting or funny but I'm great at forgetting where I found them. So I created this cheat sheet or doc to keep track of them

screenshot from document

Multiwindow Tracking

Open multiple instances of your browser, drag them arond and see what will happen. Fun thig that's possible that I saw somewhere and wanted to replicate.

screenshot of drawen lines

Svg lines

Create dots, create lines between them and move them around. Simple thing written in plain JS.

About me

I have been programming since 2019, at first, I wanted to make games(as many of us do) but that was too hard, so after a while, in 2020, I landed in web development. After 2 years I landed my first job as a frontend developer and I've been slowly moving towards backed. Currently, I'm studying at FI MUNI, exploring programming in general.


  • Fronend
    • 2+ years of profesional experience
    • JS, TS, React
  • Mobile development
    • 2+ years of profesional experience
    • JS, TS, React Native, ios, android
  • Backend
    • 1+ years of profesional experience
    • JS, TS, C#, SQL, NextJS, NodeJS, Database design
  • Other
    • UI/UX - designing and iterating over mobile and web aplications
    • Go - currently learning
    • C, Haskell, Python - experience from university